Adult classes have always been a part of JC Dance and for 20 years we have had at least one adult class on the timetable!
Currently we have 2 regular classes; Improvers Adult Ballet and Improvers
Adult Tap and these are perfect for anyone who danced as a child or teenager or have begun as an adult beginner but are ready for a bigger challenge.
We are also hoping to run some beginner level courses in 2024, if these are interesting to you, please get in touch.
Both Improvers classes take place on Thursday evenings and are £7 which is usually payable in half termly blocks but we welcome newcomers to trial the classes on a 3 week paid trial basis.
The classes are currently taught by Hannah who combines technical exercises with work on routines and are the perfect mix of hard work and fun. They are small, friendly, welcoming and we'd love you to try one!
Please get in touch with Joanna for class timings and bookings,